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Getting Started

  • 公法第116-315条第1018条,Johnny Isakson和David P. Roe, M.D. 2020年退伍军人医疗保健和福利改善法案, 对参与美国教育援助计划的教育机构增加了新的要求.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These new provisions became effective June 15, 2021年,并于8月1日开始申请高等院校和非大学学位机构, 2021. For more info
  • 1. Complete an application for admission to Butte College
  • 2. Provide Butte College Admissions with official transcripts (Do not send to Veterans Services)
  • 3. Complete the Career and Academic Profile Tool (CAP)
  • 4. Sign up for orientation through the the orientation office, you may be eligible for online orientation
  • 5. Apply for financial aid (recommendation)
  • 6. Meet with academic counselor for Veterans ED plan
    Book your appointment online  using your Self-Service Login

  • 7. Register for courses.  只有ED计划所要求的课程才会获得认证 **How to Register Videos**
  • 8.  注册后,将以下文件通过您的学生电子邮件发送到我们的办公室  Forms with " *" are available on our forms page
  • Intake Form*
  • Veterans Ed Plan (After meeting with counselor)
  • Declaration of Enrollment (DOE) Form*  
  • 更新资格证明书(COE)(只适用于9/11后或受养人学生)
  • Student Responsibility Form*
  • Transcipt Obligation Form* (For Previous College Transcripts)
  • 带备DD-214会员编号2或4副本(Veterans only, not required of dependents)
  • Complete an Application for Admission to Butte
  • Request a parent school letter from your primary school
  • Turn in DD-214 to receive priority registration
  • 注册已获家长/小学批准并在家长学校信中列出的课程
  • Complete and turn in a Declaration of Enrollment (D.O.E.)*
    必须在注册课程的72小时内完成. 不提交此表格,您将无法获得报酬
  • Complete Student Responsibility Form*

*Forms are available on our forms page

Concurrent Enrollment
就读于皇冠新现金网的学生可以在另一所学校学习适用于他或她在巴特获得的学位的课程. 如果学生在皇冠新现金网攻读学位,它被称为学生的“小学”. All other schools are "secondary" schools.

退伍军人事务部可以为在中学学习的课程支付福利. 在中学学习的课程必须适用于皇冠新现金网的学位.  学生在小学和中学同时入学的(同时入学), VA will pay for the combined credit, 考虑到重叠的入学日期.  欲了解更多信息,请联系退伍军人服务办公室.

联邦法律要求学生使用退伍军人福利申请 OFFICIAL SEALED transcripts from all the 学校、学院、培训机构和技术学校 他会被送到巴特大学现金娱乐网注册和记录办公室. 这包括以前接受的所有教育和培训, during, and after Military Service, 即使在课程或项目期间没有支付退伍军人福利.

Military Training


被考虑记入军事训练的学分, 学生必须完成至少12个单元,平均成绩不低于2分.0 or above at Butte College. 学生必须要求将正式的联合成绩单发送到皇冠新现金网退伍军人服务办公室,并向退伍军人服务办公室提交军事训练评估请求.

Request military transcripts using Joint Services Transcript 取代了海岸警卫队学院的成绩单, 陆军/美国教育委员会注册成绩单系统(AARTS)和水手/海军美国教育委员会注册成绩单(SMART). Air Force must request transcripts through Air University.

Butte College has a 7 Days to Pay Policy. 该政策规定,一旦学生注册了课程, 学生有7天(包括周末)的时间全额支付学费, set up a payment plan, 或申请并被认定有资格获得经济援助. 如果学生没有做到以上任何一项,他们将被所有课程除名.

Exemption From 7 Days Policy: Only the Post 9/11 - Chapter 33 and Vocational Rehabilitation - Chapter 31 退伍军人不受此政策限制,但他们必须上交一份 Declaration of Enrollment 注册课程后3个工作日内! 如果这些条件都不满足,学生将被退学.

For more information on 7 days to pay.

If you are determined by Admissions & 如果你是一名外州学生,你将承担外州的费用. 你可能有资格根据你的退伍军人身份免除你的州外费用. For information about residency contact Admissions and Records Office.


Location & Hours

Main Campus
Swing Space C 
Phone : (530) 895-2566  
Fax : (530) 895-2878

Office Hours 

Mon - Thur  8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri  8:00 am - 12:00 pm

**Open at 8:30 am every 1st and 3rd Thur**

Campus Map


Content editor:
Dan Torres